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How To Make No Sew Headband

I have got quite long hair and usually I use some things to put them back. I like different headbands and I have already done some with my sewing machine, but in this tutorial we don`t need any sewing skills at all, just your attention and a pait of old tights) let`s make a braided headband together!

Things you need:

  • tights (I used toddler tights, size 2) or a piece of fabric
  • scissors

Step 1.

Starting at the bottom, I cut the leg into 4 equal(ish) pieces.  Because you have the front and the back of the fabric, you will actually have 8 pieces but keep the front and back together so you are only working with 4.  Be sure to not cut all the way through the toe.

Step 2.

Next you’ll want to pull each section so the edges roll in on themselves.

Step 3.

To braid the fabric, start with the piece on the left side.  Move this piece over the piece on the right, under the piece further right, and over the piece the furthest right.

Step 4.

Continue this pattern all the way down.

Step 5.

Once your braid is long enough to be a headband, knot off the 2 left pieces and the 2 right pieces.

Step 6.

Tie the 2 end pieces around the loop at the top of the braid, made from the toe of the tights.

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