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How To Make An Organizer From An Old Chair

The idea to use a chair as a base for organizing is absolutely brilliant! Now we`re going to make this project. Some organization stations help to keep things in order in your house. I can say that I have got a few diy organizers in every room. They are big and small, depending on their intended purpose. So this one I`m going to use a station for all my sewing tools. Please, share your ideas of using this organizer.

Things you need:

  • Kitchen stool. 
  • Fabric: To make two larger bags and two smaller bags like I did you are going to need about 2 1/2 yards of fabric
  • 4 Casters
  • 2 packages of bias tape or about 4 yards of homemade bias tape. (Of course you could use ribbon as well.)

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