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Beautiful Wine Cork Vase

Hmm, upcycling is one of the best things anyone can do to help the planet earth presently with the level of dirt, waste and pollution we are experiencing. Just look at these wine cork vases and tell me you are not amazed or impressed by the level of artistry displayed. You know, you can also make these wine cork vases all by yourself without tension or stress. You only need the guiding tutorial which I have posted here. So, explore this tutorial to your best advantage!

Materials needed:

  • Cube shaped glass florist (bud vases work great!)
  • Lots of wine cork (expect to need 40-70 per vase, depending on its size). Skip the rubber corks for this project – they don’t look as nice as the real thing
  • Heavy duty craft glue like E6000
  • (Optional) Knife to cut corks

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