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New Reusable Shopping Bag From Your Old T-Shirt

Being eco-friendly becomes a good habit of our days and a way of life. Our health depends on the degree of our care of environment. As a result, we`re going to feel better. One of the easiest ways to take care of our planet is to use reusable things. So, this time we`ll make a reusable shopping bag from your olt T-shirt. I like the idea that you can do it even if you don`t have any sewing machine! Let`s create it together and then take it to your next trip to the store.

Things you need:

  • T-shirt
  • scissors

Step 1.

Lay your t-shirt out on a flat surface. Carefully cut the arms off at the seam with the seam staying on the sleeve.

Step 2.

Using a bowl as a guide, cut out the neckline. If you’d like, you can now cut the hole a bit more oval.

Step 3.

Decide how deep you want your bag before you close up the bottom. You can turn the bag inside out and sew the bottom shut with a sturdy stretch stitch, or do the no-sew method.

The no-sew method:
Cut fringe by making diagonal cuts up the t-shirt hem every 1inch. These cuts should be 3 inches deep/long. You can mark the 3 inch mark with a ruler and fabric pen. 

Now tie the fringe into knots as shown.

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