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How To Make Face Paint With Natural Ingredients


1 1/2 teaspoons cornstarch (preferably non-GMO) or arrowroot powder

1/4 teaspoon refined white flour (yes I had to go buy some!) plus extra for dusting the face so that it is not ooey gooey OR for a gluten-free option 1/2 teaspoon kaolin white clay

2 teaspoons honey

1/2 teaspoon water

Natural food coloring*

Activated charcoal for brown or black

* Some colors, such as yellow, may not show up well without base makeup. See instructions below for mixing base makeup.


Mix kaolin clay/flour and cornstarch/arrowroot together in a small bowl

Add honey and water

Divide mixture into several cups, then add a few drops of food coloring to each cup until it has reached the color intensity you desire

Paint on your design using a generous amount of paint. It sets better if painted on thickly.

Optional: Let it set for about 20-30 minutes, then take a makeup brush and dust a little cornstarch/arrowroot powder over your face to create a matte finish. As mentioned above this is optional – we didn’t do it – but I did test it to make sure it would prevent smearing in little ones who are likely to touch their faces.

A few notes

These paints are more like a thick gloss than watercolors.

My “blue” from India Tree was really more of a green. I could never get a true blue out of it. Also, for dark brown or black, mix a smidge of all the colors together and add a little activated charcoal. It’s very non-toxic (you can actually find capsules of it in the supplement aisle because it’s used for detoxing.)

How To Make Face Paint With Natural Ingredients
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