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Transform a plastic jar to basket

Today I’ll show you how in plastic cans to make a basket. I talk about in the manufacture of boxesThe basket will be done the same way, using only the bottom of the jars, the cover we do not need.

To start cut off from the stiffeners top banks strip (upper rim).

Transform a plastic jar to basket
Transform a plastic jar to basketIt will handle our baskets.
Transform a plastic jar to basketPuncture two symmetrical holes in the rib banks to insert the handle:
Transform a plastic jar to basketThe handle can bottom to omit from the outside. After this hot stud (holding pliers) Burn (in the pen with the bank) holes for the subsequent attachment of the handle.
Transform a plastic jar to basketWe take out the handle and start strapping bars without nada, fixing the edge of the thread to the highest puncture hole.
Transform a plastic jar to basketReady to insert the handle back into the jar (trace coincidence of holes – not to confuse) and thread to stitch with a needle into prepared holes.
Transform a plastic jar to basketWe begin to knit the two bases (external and internal) for the baskets. To this end, the felt circle with a diameter of the bottom of the cans tied columns without nada and continue knitting to the height of the banks, without adding (in the form of a pipe).
Transform a plastic jar to basketNeedle sews related internal basis with the bottom cans in advance punctured hot nail holes in the bottom of the jar.
Transform a plastic jar to basketThereafter, the inner part of banks is as follows:
Transform a plastic jar to basketWe put on a second outer knitted basis on the jar and connect both sides of the seam over the edge:
Transform a plastic jar to basketHarvesting is ready. It remains to decorate to your taste, but you can leave and in this form.
Transform a plastic jar to basket
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Oct 02, 2020 10:54 AM

The directions for the up cycle plastic container to baskets was so confusing! OMG! Thank Goodness for the pics… I was able to figure it out. I like the idea though and made it work my way. Happy Crafting!😃

Oct 02, 2020 11:04 AM

I love the t-shirt rug idea! I could use up all the odds and ends of yarn, clean out drawers of worn out, stained, holey t-shirts and create something to use at the door. Fabulous! Will start on this after Christmas crafts and post pic!!! Thanks!!!!
