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Easy Fabric Rag Doll

Making a rag doll is an easy and fun way to pass the time. You can use any fabric you like, and it’s a great project for kids to work on together. The following instructions will show you how to make a full-sized rag doll from scratch, using basic sewing techniques. Before you begin, make sure you have the correct supplies ready.

Materials needed:

  • 1/4 yard "Flesh color" fabric If you are making these dolls to donate, please remember that kids come in all varieties, so let’s vary what flesh colors and hair colors and hair styles we use. Make them all different and unique.
  • Small amount of fabric for the dress
  • Stuffing to fill the doll
  • Yarn (for the hair)
  • Fabric paint (for the face and optional shoes)
  • Optional ribbon for bows
  • Doll Pattern Pieces

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